June marks National LGBTQ+ Pride Month and offers the nation the opportunity to reflect on the incredible contributions of the LGBTQ+ community. Our nation is at its best when it welcomes, represents and includes people of all backgrounds. This includes people with disabilities and the intersections shared with the LGBTQ+ community. According to a study published in 2012, fully 36 percent of women in the LGBTQ+ community and 30 percent of men in the community also self-identify as people with disabilities. Learn more about the intersection via RespectAbility here, especially with Leah Ilana's essay on the need for safe refuge. More Disabled LBGTQ+ Profiles, in their own voices, are profiled here.
Mid-Atlantic ADA is also offering a webinar on Elevating Inclusion through Intersectionality on June 26: Making Programs and Places Accessible for Disabled LGBTQ+ Folks, with registration linked here.
We celebrate with you! You matter! UMBC Resources include:
LGBTQ Student Union - for all students (undergrad, grad, part-time, full-time)
LGBTQ+ FSA - Faculty and Staff group
The Pride Center via i3b is centrally located on the second floor of the UC and holds Pride Week during April while the academic year is underway.
Retriever Integrated Health has an LGBTQ Group, and additional mental health supports.
LGBTQIA+ Resource Page via the Office of Equity and Civil Rights
For question about disability or accessibility at UMBC, undergraduate and graduate students with disabilities connect with Student Disability Services online (link) or via disability@umbc.edu.
Accessibility & Disability Services (link) administers employee (faculty, staff, graduate assistant and student worker) accommodations.
A thumbnail of an accessible crosswalk in Progress Pride colors - black, brown, pastel and rainbow stripes mark the path accompanies ADS post. Credit: Erik Mclean via Unsplash.com.