Debuting in the Fall 2024 semester, the Department of English is now home to a new Critical Disability Studies minor.
Students in this interdisciplinary minor will encounter both the lived experiences of disability, past and present, and a critical analysis of intersecting systems of ableism, heteropatriarchy, white supremacy, colonialism, and capitalist violence.
To earn a minor in Critical Disability Studies, students will complete 15 credits of coursework: one introductory course (3 credits), two core courses (6 credits), and two elective courses (6 credits).
Fall 2024 Course Offerings:
- AGNG 200 - Aging People, Policy and Management (multiple sections)
- ENGL 320 - Disability and Technology: Writing, Design, and Resistance (Dr. Drew Holladay)
- ENGL 461/669 - (Dis)ability in Asian American Literacture (Dr. Sharon Tran)
- GLBL 410 - I'm a Cyborg But That's OK: Technology, Culture, and Disablity (Dr. Tania Lizarazo)
- PBHL/PHIL 375 - Philosophy of Medicine (Dr. Jessica Pfeifer)
- PSYC 305 - Children with Exceptionalities (Dr. Laura Rose)
- SOCY 351 - Sociology of Health, Illness, and Medicine (Dr. Karon Philips)
For more information, use the link below to access course/catalog details or email Dr. Tania Lizarazo,
Thumbnail of a person in red sitting in a racing wheelchair with arms raised victoriously accompanies the post, Photo by Audi Nissen on Unsplash