Wednesday, April 3, 2019
11 AM
to 1 PM
Understand YOUR credit
The Commons : OCSS Office
To build good credit, which will impact so much of your financial life, you should first understand what’s in your credit report. Sign up for a one-on-one session with a credit counselor who will...
2 PM
to 3 PM
Repaying Student Loans
The Commons : 331
So, you have loans, but you don’t have a plan? Learn what you need to know to prepare for entering repayment of your student loans, and staying ahead of the game! Participants will be entered...
4 PM
to 5:30 PM
The formula for successful investing? You plus knowledge.
The Commons : Lower Flat Tuesdays
It doesn’t matter how old you are, where you are in your career or how much you make. Reaching retirement goals requires the same things: spend less, save more. It’s really that simple. TIAA’s...