September 2023
Dear UMBC Colleague:
UMBC is a community that cares for students, staff, and faculty. We want to thank you for your ongoing partnership and compassion in supporting the safety and well-being of everyone on our campus, especially our students.
The UMBC Behavioral Risk Assessment and Consultation Team (BRACT) is a multidisciplinary team that examines reports of concern to assist in maintaining campus safety. The team assists faculty, staff, and students with situations and behaviors that are concerning, disruptive, and/or threatening as well as the support and resources needed to ensure continued success on campus.
Each department will receive our updated BRACT Poster and a BRACT sticker to share with all staff members that includes a link to the Student Affairs website and BRACT information, including the BRACT folder (UMBC Faculty and Staff Guide for Helping a Person in Distress).
Student Affairs also offers a Retriever Peer-to-Peer listening program as well as training designed to give community members tools to help when someone is struggling with a mental health or substance use challenge. Mental Health First Aid is a 1-day skills-based course that helps identify and respond to mental health and substance use challenges. QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) is a 1.5-2 hour training course that teaches how to talk to someone who may be thinking about suicide and encourage them to get the help they need to prevent suicide.
Please reach out to our Community Health and Safety staff, Sue Poandl ( or Brandyn Holtzinger (, if you have questions, a situation you would like to discuss, to request a training for your unit, or to request additional posters or stickers.
Renique Kersh, Ph.D.
Vice President for Student Affairs, UMBC