Some cities populations decline, vacant lots proliferate
Researchers are trying to better understand how abandoned plots in citied contribute to conservation. Although vacant lots collectively cover a significant amount of land, they remain less studied...
May 14, 2018
12:12 PM
Swan's presentation, entitled "The Ecology of Terrestrial-Marine interfaces with increasing coastal urbanization", was one of four invited pieces at the 2nd Per Brinck Symposium: coupling ecology....
February 20, 2018
2:12 AM
What Should Grow in a Vacant Lot?
Dr. Chris Swan is spending years studying a unique ecosystem—the vacant lots of Baltimore—looking for the best ways to bring the city’s dead spaces back to life.
February 7, 2018
1:47 PM
Our first meeting of an international group of scholars met in Leipzig, Germany in early October. The work is supported by German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)...
November 9, 2017
9:42 AM
Piece entitled "Key to stream restoration success: location, location, location" summarizes our recent work published in the journal Ecological Applications. Tim Wheeler opens with "With millions...
November 9, 2017
9:32 AM
Our long term research on the ecology of vacant land in Baltimore was recently covered by Baltimore Fishbowl. "Baltimore City faces a vexing, decades-old question: How do you transform 14,000...
November 9, 2017
9:26 AM
Mariya Shcheglovitova and her colleagues were highlighted for their presentations at a session at the Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting in Ft Lauderdale (Aug 7-12 2016). The session...
August 16, 2016
1:11 PM
Swan and colleagues at Colorado State University and Indiana State University were awarded funds from the National Science Foundation Long Term Ecological Research Network Communications Office to...
June 1, 2016
1:23 PM
Urban Water Innovation Network (UWIN)
University of Maryland at Baltimore County (UMBC) embarks on for the Urban Water Innovation Network (UWIN). It’s a consortium of academic institutions – with UMBC a main player – who are looking...
March 1, 2016
12:35 PM
MD Dept. of the Environment Secretary Grumbles visits UMBC. Dorothy Borowy, GES Ph.D. student, described her work with GES Professor Chris Swan on the Maryland Green Prisons Initiative and her...
October 29, 2015
10:52 AM