A message for all Bioinformatics Majors:
With the acceptance of the new Spring 2020 Pass/Fail grading policy, the department would like to make a few clarifications in regards to the Bioinformatics & Computational Biology major. We wish to ensure all of our students are adequately prepared for their later coursework. Grades of "P" for all BIOL, CHEM, MATH, and PHYS requirements will be accepted. At this time, all CMSC courses for the major will still require a grade of "C" or better.
Courses with "P"s will be excluded from the calculations of the Gateway GPA. However, students will need at least three non-P gateway courses completed at UMBC. If a student doesn’t have enough courses to compute the GPA (i.e. less than three UMBC courses are graded A-F), the next course up in the series (i.e., CMSC 202 instead of CMSC 201) will be used for the calculation. Any questions about this change should be directed to the student's advisor or Dr. Maricel Kann, bioinformatics program director.
Be sure to speak with your advisor before making any grading method changes.