Mini Job Fair for EHS & Healthcare professions
Meet & Greet with EMS/Healthcare Employers
Thursday, April 13, 2023 · 11:15 AM - 2:30 PM
Looking for a job opportunity in the Emergency Healthcare Field?
Come check out our mini Job Fairs!
March 2nd and running through April 27th, the Department of Emergency
Health Services will hold weekly Mini Job Fairs beginning at 11:15am and
running through 2:30pm. Each Thursday, we will have up to three
agencies in our lobby on the third floor of Sherman Hall.
For more information, check out our Mini Job Fair website. As employers sign up, we will update the website, so check back often.
This event is open to all, so please feel free to share this information with those outside UMBC.
Please contact me if you are an employer and would like to participate in one of our events.
We look forward to seeing you there!