Dear Members of UMBC’s Research & Creative Achievement (RCA) Community,
I want to thank all of you for your understanding of and attention to the COVID-19-related processes and procedures implemented over this past year.
Together we have been able to establish procedures to bring many of you back to Campus to relaunch your RCA activities, while following national and state guidance to limit exposure and focus on the health and safety of our campus community. Currently, we have about 800 individuals approved for On-Campus RCA activities and some 400 of them coming to campus on a regular basis in any given week.
We highly appreciate the overall compliance with campus-wide training, testing and daily symptom tracking requirements and our combined record of maintaining safety while pursuing our RCA activities has been exemplary.
Based on our current assessment of the situation in Maryland and on our Campus, we have reached the decision to transition into Stage 3 On-Campus RCA Mode effective Monday, March 29, 2021. The main difference is an increase in density in the RCA facilities from currently 235 sq.ft. per person to 150 sq.ft. per person. More details are provided on this page and below.
However, since the pandemic is not over we need to continue our vigilance and continue to adhere to testing, symptom tracking, mask wearing, physical distancing, and other key regulations.
Please consult the UMBC COVID-19 page for a complete set of guidance documents
Transition to Stage 3 On-Campus RCA Mode – March 29, 2021
- UMBC will be transitioning into the next stage of On-RCA Access by further increasing the density in the laboratories and studios, effective Monday March 29, 2021.
- Under Stage 3 RCA Mode we require a minimum of 150 sq.ft. per individual in any laboratory or studio on campus - a increase from the current density of 235 sq.ft. per person under Stage 2 RCA Mode. Please include those updated space considerations as you submit any future On-Campus RCA Activities Request.
- Any currently active approvals for On-Campus RCA activities will remain in effect through at least May 31, 2021, albeit subject to changing regulations issued by the State of Maryland, USM, or UMBC.
- Under Stage 3 RCA Mode, resuming in-person, on-campus interactions for research purposes is currently not permitted. Please continue to monitor this web page for news and updates.
- All individuals authorized for On-Campus RCA access under Stage 2 or Stage 3 RCA Mode are subject to mandatory COVID-19 Training, Testing, and On-line Symptom Tracking as outlined here.
COVID Compliance Card in myUMBC
- Your current access status, testing and symptom minoring compliance results will be posted to your COVID Compliance Card in your myUMBC profile. It may take up to 72 hours for your current results to be posted.
Please continue to stay safe and healthy in 2021 - and get vaccinated as soon as you are eligible!
Karl Steiner
Dr. Karl V. Steiner
Vice President for Research
(he, him, his)
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Affiliate Professor of Computer Science & Electrical Engineering
University of Maryland, Baltimore County