Reminder: Required use of FORMS-F application forms for application submission
Notice Number: NOT-OD-21-104
This notice is a reminder to the community that all grant applications must be submitted using FORMS-F application forms (NOT-OD-20-026, NOT-OD-20-077). Any remaining FORMS-E application form packages will be closed as of April 19, 2021.
In order to provide flexibility to applicants during the COVID-19 Pandemic, NIH had extended some late submission windows and allowed FORMS-E application forms to be used for those late submissions. This flexibility has now expired.
In addition, a shift in internal priorities due to the pandemic caused delays in NIH posting FORMS-F options for some non-competing opportunities, including administrative supplement, change of institution, and successor-in-interest parent funding opportunity announcements (FOAs). These non-competing Parent Announcements now have FORMS-F options.
Opportunity |
Successor-in-Interest (Type 6 Parent Clinical Trial Optional) |
Change of Grantee Organization (Type 7 Parent Clinical Trial Optional |
Forms packages with Competition ID “FORMS-F-TYPE7” added to PA-18-590 |
Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Optional) |
Research Supplements to Promote Re-Entry into Biomedical and Behavioral Research Careers (Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) |
Forms package with Competition ID “FORMS-F-ADMINSUPP-RESEARCH” added to PA-18-592 |
Additional Implementation Details
· The reissues of the following competitive revision FOAs are pending. Any active application form packages posted with FORMS-E form versions will be closed on or before April 19, 2021. Any applications submitted to these FOAs in response to an Urgent or Emergency Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) must use the application form package with the Competition ID “FORMS-F-COMP-REV.”
o -- PA-18-935 Urgent Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Urgent Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional)
o -- PA-20-135 Emergency Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Awards (Emergency Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional)
· After April 19, 2021, the FORMS-E application instructions and other FORMS-E specific resources will be removed from the website.
· Note: For any applications that may be in progress on FORMS-E forms, ASSIST, Workspace, and many institutional system-to-system solutions allow application data to be easily copied from one application package to another. Contact the appropriate service desk for technical assistance, as needed.
Should you have any questions, please contact the Office of Sponsored Programs.