With support from Lenn Caron in Facilities Management and Paul Dillon, Chief of UMBC Police, investigators who have sensitive research equipment as well as laboratory/facility staff are encouraged to sign up for this notification service. This notification group was established to communicate minor power “blips” that may impact sensitive equipment. Instructions to register are below.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Lenn Caron <carlen@umbc.edu>
Date: Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 4:12 PM
Subject: Power Outage Notifications
To: FM Infrastructure Notification <FM-Infrastructure-Notification-group@umbc.edu>
FM is now utilizing Omnilert to provide quicker notifications of power interruptions to faculty and staff that need to know. FM will send an alert after we have verified that a power blip occurred.
Omnilert will send a text notification as well as an email notification to everyone that opts in for the notifications.
There are two ways to opt in:
- Text Campuspower (all one word) to 79516
- Go to https://umbc.omnilert.net
Verify that your phone number and email address are correct.
Click on "Groups" at the top right side of the screen.
Subscribe to the "Power Outages" group.
We encourage all members of the FM Infrastructure Notification email group to opt in. Additionally we would encourage any faculty with sensitive equipment to opt in for notices.
Lenn Caron, P.E.
Associate Vice President,
Facilities Management, UMBC
Phone: (410) 455-3260
Cell: (410) 855-5259