Yes! Spring is finally coming! Need Kuali Training?
Here are April Trainings for your information.
April 2018
Monday, April 16 9AM Proposal Development
Monday, April 16 1PM Proposal Budget
Tuesday, April 17 9AM Advanced Budget Topics
Tuesday, April 17 1PM Advanced Budget Topics
Wednesday, April 18 9AM Proposal Development Using S2S Grants. Gov
See all Kuali Spring Course Offerings and sign up at Calender https://my.umbc.edu/groups/kualiresearchatumbc/events
Whether you are a new employee, or just need a refresher, come join us.
Courses are sponsored by OVPR/OSP Office and led by experienced Grants & Contract Managers and Subject Matter Experts. Each course is designed to be an interactive, hands-on course with examples and exercises geared toward answering questions and working through real-life issues on proposals and budgets.