Fall 2017 Seminar Series
Dr. Arash Massoudieh, The Catholic University of America
Friday, October 13, 2017 · 2 - 3 PM
Center for Urban Environmental Research and Education
Fall 2017 Seminar Series
Dr. Arash Massoudieh
Civil Engineering Department
The Catholic University of America
“A Flexible Framework for Process-Based Hydraulic and Water Quality Modeling of Best Management Practices"
Friday, October 13, 2017
2:00 PM
Parking policy
Parking passes for off-campus guests in the TRC lot are required at the cost of $4.00 per car. Parking passes may be picked up and paid for (cash only) before seminar by stopping by the CUERE office in TRC 102 /105 and seeing a staff member. Please contact us at 410-455-1763 with any questions regarding logistics.
View our web site at http://cuere.umbc.edu
2:00 PM
Models that allow for evaluation
of the effects of design considerations on the performance of best management
practices (BMPs) and green infrastructure (GI) to control urban and
agricultural runoff and associated contaminants have received considerable
attention in recent years. While popular, the GI
models are relatively simplistic. However, GI model predictions are
being relied upon by many municipalities and State/Local agencies to make
decisions about gray vs. green
infrastructure improvement planning. Adding
complexity to GI modeling frameworks may preclude their use in simpler urban
planning situations. Therefore, the goal here was to develop a sophisticated,
yet flexible tool that could be used by design engineers and researchers to
capture and explore the effect of design factors and properties of the media employed
in the performance of GI systems at a relatively small scale. We deemed it essential to have a flexible GI modeling
tool that is capable of simulating GI system components and specific
biophysical processes affecting contaminants such as reactions, and
particle-associated transport accurately while maintaining a high degree of flexibility
to account for the myriad of GI alternatives. The mathematical framework for a
stand-alone GI performance assessment tool has been developed and will be
demonstrated. The process-based model framework developed here can be used to model
a diverse range of GI practices such as green roof, retention pond,
bioretention, infiltration trench, permeable pavement and other custom-designed
combinatory systems. I will demonstrate the utility of this GI modeling
framework to simulate flow and transport in a stream, bioretention,
infiltration basin and permeable pavement GI systems.
This seminar series http://cuere.umbc.edu/seminar-series/ is free and open to the public.
Parking policy
Parking passes for off-campus guests in the TRC lot are required at the cost of $4.00 per car. Parking passes may be picked up and paid for (cash only) before seminar by stopping by the CUERE office in TRC 102 /105 and seeing a staff member. Please contact us at 410-455-1763 with any questions regarding logistics.
View our web site at http://cuere.umbc.edu