Seminar: Dr. Leonard Shabman, Resources for the Future
National Flood Insurance Program: Fallacies and Realities
Center for Urban Environmental Research and Education
Spring 2018 Seminar Series
2:00 PM
A small fraction of those who live in flood prone areas have flood insurance. Congress could advance national flood resiliency with reforms that will increase the number of flood-insured homeowners. However, widespread misunderstandings about the National Flood Insurance Program, Federal disaster aid and the capacity of the private sector to offer flood coverage stand in the way of designing a program to close the covered gap. I will comment on the key misunderstandings, describe why and how the federal government came to dominate flood insurance, and argue that closing the insurance coverage gap will require a continuing federal funding commitment.
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Parking passes for off-campus guests in the TRC lot are required at the cost of $4.00 per car. Parking passes may be picked up and paid for (cash only) before seminar by stopping by the CUERE office in TRC 102 /105 and seeing a staff member. Please contact us at 410-455-1763 with any questions regarding logistics.
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