We are pleased many Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering (CBEE) faculty and research scientists were recognized at this year's UMBC Inventors Luncheon sponsors by the Office of the Vice President for Research, Office of Technology Development (OTD), Office of Institutional Advancement (OIA), and bwtech@UMBC.
We are very proud of the work our faculty and researchers are doing and the positive impact it has on our environment.
UMBC’s Entrepreneurs of the Year

- Dr. Ghosh, CBEE & Dr. Sowers, Department of Marine Biotechnology
75 Bright Ideas

- Dr. Govind Rao, CBEE
First Patent Approved
- Dr. Blaney, CBEE
UMBC Technology Catalyst Fund Awardees
- Dr. Blaney, CBEE
- Dr. Ghosh, CBEE
- Dr. Kostov, CBEE
- Dr. Xu, CBEE
UMBC Technology Catalyst Fund (TCF)
With support provided by the State of Maryland, UMBC launched a new internal funding initiative, the UMBC Technology Catalyst Fund, in 2014, which is designed to advance innovations originating from UMBC research to commercially viable technologies. Additional proof-of-concept studies, extending data collection and prototype development are examples of the essential steps needed to demonstrate commercial potential. The Office of Technology Development (OTD), under the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR), is continually seeking ways to help bridge the funding gap— support that can be difficult to obtain from traditional funding sources.
TEDCO Maryland Innovation Initiative Awardees
- Dr. Ghosh, CBEE
- Dr. Kostov, CBEE
- Dr. Szeto, CBEE
Maryland Innovation Initiative (TEDCO MII)
The Maryland Innovation Initiative was created in 2012 as a partnership between the State of Maryland and Maryland’s academic research institutions. The program is designed to promote commercialization of research conducted in the research universities and to leverage each institution’s strengths. Specifically, it is the intent of the program to foster the commercialization of such technologies through technology validation, market assessment, and the creation of start-up companies in Maryland based on a technology from a participating university. Site Miners are individuals selected by the MII program to assist start-ups and faculty in the process of submitting a strong business-oriented application, focused on commercialization. These individuals work as liaisons between the applicant and the MII program, providing valuable input and feedback prior to submission of an MII application.