BIOL 141/142 Group Study
Want to study with others for BIOL141 or 142?
Tuesday, February 7, 2023 · 12 - 1 PM
Are you in BIOL141 or 142? Come out to our weekly open study time in UC 115, our CNMS collaboratory space.
There won't be tutors, but you can study with others in your classes, use the whiteboards, and get practice problems and study guides for the chapters you're covering each week! CNMS advisors will be present to answer questions about effective study methods and help you figure out where to start if you get stuck.
BIOL141/142 study hours:
Tuesdays 12-1 PM
Fridays 11-12 AM
These study hall sessions will start on Tuesday, February 7 - that's today! They'll continue throughout the semester. Check it out and come back if you like it!