Whether you’re a new first-year or transfer student or a seasoned upperclassman, we’re sure you’ll be able to find a helpful info session somewhere in our lineup! All sessions will be hosted by your CNMS Advising Student Success Team unless indicated otherwise. Here's the schedule - stay tuned next week for descriptions of each event. All events will be hosted in the same WebEx space - just click this link to join at any time you wish! Each session will last 20-25 minutes.
Tuesday 8/20:
10:00 AM: Blackboard Basics
10:30 AM: Stop, Drop, and Schedule
11:00 AM: Allied Health Wellness
11:30 AM: Study Squad
12-1: No sessions! Break for lunch
1:00 PM: Pre-Health Powerhouse with Melissa Huselton of Pre-Health Advising
1:30 PM: Work your Core Competencies
2:00-3:00 PM: Special LONG session - Grand Master Tips (hear from your TAs and Learning Assistants)
Wednesday 8/21:
10:00 AM: TLC Transformation
10:30 AM: Academic Mindfunless
11:00 AM: First Week Fitness
11:30 AM: Science Career Sculpt
12-1: No sessions! Break for lunch
1:00 PM: Graduation Marathon Planning
1:30 PM: Academic HIIT
2:00 PM: Science Muscle Mechanics
2:30 PM: Research Revolution