Start healthy academic habits from day one!
1.) Collect a syllabus for each course and put all of the dates for your various assignments/exams/quizzes/papers into one planner. Tracking all of your work in one place will help with long term time management. Consider using Google Calendar so that you can set timely reminders. For more information on how to use Google Calendar and reminders effectively you can view helpful CNMS Advising videos here.
2.) Be aware of all academic dates & deadlines for the semester. This information may come in handy later and allows you to stay in control of your academic options throughout the semester. In particular, be sure that your fall courses are set before the end of the schedule adjustment period -- September 10th!
3.) Learn about academic assistance resources. You don’t want to add to the frustration of not understanding things in class by not knowing where to find help. Consider registering for free tutoring right away in order to ensure extra support -- whether you think you will need it or not!
4.) Begin following the myUMBC Group for departments, clubs, and organizations that interest you. This will allow you to stay up-to-date with events and announcements. In particular, consider joining the Council of Majors - or the equivalent- for your department or major. You’ll get a chance to meet upperclassmen from your area of interest, interact with faculty in your department, and find opportunities for leadership and service in your field!
5.)Take proactive control over your academic success. Plan to attend the "Become a Better Learner Workshop Series" through CNMS' The Learning Collaboratory -- starting this month. Topics include STEM-specific learning strategies and test preparation.
Here's to a great start of the semester!