Tim Sparklin Retirement Celebration Event
Please Join ORPC in Celebration of Tim Sparklin's Retirement
Tim Sparklin, Director of the Office of Research Protections and Compliance (ORPC), in the Office of Researchand Creative Achievement (ORCA) will be retiring from UMBC after 39 years of USM service with over 30 years at UMBC.
An in-person Open House Event will be held in the Skylight Room (3rd Floor of The Commons) from 1PM-4PM.
Tim obtained his BA in Sociology from UMBC in 1981 and his Masters of Social Work from UMB in 1983. So his connection to USM actually started as a freshman in 1977 (over 45 years)!
Tim’s family connections to UMBC run even deeper. Two of Tim's children graduated from our campus, his wife Kim spent two years at UMBC working her way to obtaining a Bachelor's of Nursing at UMB. He also has two siblings and two nieces who received degrees from UMBC.
Tim started working at UMB as a Research Assistant in the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems. From 1983 – 1985 he provided assistance on a trauma and motorcycle helmet use study prior to Maryland enacting its helmet laws in 1992. Tim was promoted to Program Analyst, then in 1987 to Grants and Contracts Administrator (when he was bit by the Research Adminbug).
He then came to UMBC in 1992 to become a Grants Manager for what was then called the College of Arts and Sciences, where, his value was quickly recognized. Tim was promoted to Research Services Administrator before coming to ORCAto run UMBC’s Human and Animal Research Protections Office (HARPO) in 2004.
In January of 2011, Tim led HARPO in a rebranding effort to recognize the growth in UMBC’s research and compliance areas needing support. In 2010 we had 375 human and 37 animal support actions. The office was renamed the Office of Research Protections and Compliance (ORPC). ORPC support expanded to include Institutional Biosafety, Conflict of Interest, Export Control, Responsible Conduct in Research and Research Integrity. And, by FY21 ORPC with just 2.6 staff processed nearly 2,000 compliance actions (down from 2,400 in FY20), and supported nearly 2,700 trainings (individuals trained in the various areas of compliance).
As Director of ORPC Tim provided administrative oversight and the strategic direction of ORPCs centralized resources to ensure UMBC conducted its research activities in a manner consistent with federal, state and institutional regulatory requirements. In this role Tim served as the primary liaison with federal regulatory agencies and provided periodic updates and recommended actions to senior management as issues demand institutional response.
Not only did Tim significantly expanded ORPC’s areas of compliance support, he totally revamped the web site, implemented a new electronic compliance support system (Kuali Compliance), went paperless, moved the office, provided key support for the new ILSB vivarium, and implemented countless procedures, policies and general guidance documents to streamline and clarify the constant changing regulations associated with this field. And, as if this was not enough, Tim has conducted in-person training for graduate and undergraduate students in the area of Responsible Conduct in Research. These are only a few of the many accomplishments during Tim’s time with UMBC and USM. And, during that entire time, Tim has been consistently recognized by UMBC faculty, staff and his USM peers for his skills and knowledge, and genuine willingness and desire to help support research and creative achievement. Throughout, Tim epitomized what customer support means.
Tim had also been very active in shared governance at UMBC, serving as President and Past President of the Professional Staff Senate. Tim has also been involved in multiple industry related organizations such as the Society of Research Administrators International (SRA), where he was a member of their Board of Directors, and held the positions of President Elect, President, and Past President of the Northeast Section from 2021-2014. Tim has also shared his experience and knowledge through multiple presentations and Panel discussions. Besides SRA, Tim was a member of the National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA), the Laboratory Animal Welfare Training Exchange, the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, Public Responsibly in Medicine and Research, a member of the University of Maryland, Baltimore IACUC, and the Association of University Export Control Officers. Tim was often called upon by sister campuses to assist with their protections and compliance programs and to answer specific questions.
Tim’s unwavering drive to support UMBC in a positive supportive manner won him multiple accolades from his team, the researchers he served, and senior leadership. His unique ability to balance the overwhelming regulatory requirements with the level of reassurance that minimizes the burden on our research community and not a “police state” is unique. Faculty often commented on ORPC’s support, stating things like, “I am consistently astonished by how helpful, informed, patient, and responsive”…ORPC is …ORPC “asks great questions, handles emergency requests gracefully”...and generally makes it “possible for me to do better research.”
In Tim’s personal life, Tim loves to garden. His house in Catonsville is a treasure trove of multiple variety of trees and plants he and his wife Kim of (40 Years) maintain. Tim has three sons and two grandchildren, which in retirement he expects to spend a great deal more time. Tim recently commented that he hopes to chillax, and maybe travel to Ireland and Scotland.
Tim has always brought a sense of calm and steadiness to the office. While we will all miss Tim, please join us in wishing him nothing but happiness as he embarks on his next journey.
Tim’s last day on campus is Tuesday, January 31, 2023.