Hi writers!
WE WILL BE "MEETING" TODAY, 9/4 FROM 6-7 PM, unofficially, in Flat Tuesdays (the room to the right of the information desk at the Commons). Some of us will be there getting to know each other and having a little free-write time, getting to know what you are looking for in the club, and sharing some projects or ideas.
- Regular meetings will be held Wednesdays 6-7, location TBD (we will let you know ASAP!), and will be writing time and prompt responses for the first half or so, then sharing and discussing our pieces.
- We will do monthly workshopping in-person meetings, times and locations are still being figured out. We also have a workshop channel in the Discord to post pieces and to discuss with others what critiques, skill building, etc.
- Our Discord is currently our main platform of communication, where we discuss writing, post prompts, responses, works of our own, and more
- Our Instagram is being revitalized and will be updated with this semester's prompts, events, projects, and more
- And finally, our stories that you all wrote one sentence at a time are below! We had run out of space on the first one, so we had to begin anew on a second, also posted below
It was nice to see so many of you at Involvement Fest, and hopefully we will continue to see you all this semester!
--The Creative Writing Club