What Evils Lurk Over That Horizon?
Dr. Richard Forno, UMBC
6-7:30 pm ET via Zoom & YouTube
This discussion will explore several likely cyber-related threats facing individuals, businesses, and global society at large over the next decade. In doing so, the state of cybersecurity at America's grassroots --our cities and communities-- will be examined since not only are these the most intimate levels of government interaction with citizens, but they often are fairly vulnerable targets.
Dr. Richard Forno is a Principal Lecturer in the UMBC Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, where he directs the UMBC Graduate Cybersecurity Program, serves as the Assistant Director of the UMBC Center for Cybersecurity, and is an Affiliate of the Stanford Law School's Center for Internet and Society (CIS). Prior to academia, his twenty-year career in operational cybersecurity includes helping build a formal cybersecurity program for the US House of Representatives, serving as the first Chief Security Officer for Network Solutions (then the global center of the internet DNS system), consulting to Fortune 100 companies, the government, military, and more. As a technologist and student of national security studies, Dr. Forno is an unconventional, albeit realistic, critical thinker about the relationships between technology, security, and society. His latest book is Cybersecurity for Local Government (Wiley, 2022.)