As this year’s virtual “host” of the 2021 Open Education Conference (October 18-22, 2021), the Maryland Open Source Textbook (M.O.S.T.) Initiative is excited to announce the call for proposals is now open!
Deadline: Friday June 18th at 11:59pm PDT
The theme of the 2021 Open Education Conference is “Making Open for All.” This theme puts action for equity and inclusion at the center of this year’s event, building on last year’s focus on reimagining open education as a solution to urgent challenges.
The idea of “all” has always been at the heart of open education. Openness is about enabling everyone, everywhere to participate in sharing knowledge, recognizing that education is a universal human right. There are many ways that open education has succeeded at breaking down barriers and expanding participation, yet there is much work ahead to reach the ideal of all.
“Making Open for All” is not a destination. It is a process that involves ongoing, intentional action to build resources, practices, and systems that are open for all people, languages, cultures, and contexts. It also involves understanding the limits to openness, such as its intersections with privacy and Indigenous knowledge. This year’s conference seeks to inspire the open education field to work together toward a more equitable and inclusive future.
Proposals are enthusiastically welcomed from everyone with an interest in sharing information about open education, especially from students. Since many topics overlap, proposals may list up to three relevant topics.
- 10 min Lightning Talk (pre-recorded video with live viewing)
- 25 min Presentation (pre-recorded video with live viewing)
- 40 min Presentation (live presentation that will be recorded)
- 40 min Discussion (live interactive session that will not be recorded)
- 55 min Panel (live panel discussion that will be recorded)
- Open Space (propose your own session type)
- Open Education 101: The Basics and How to Get Started
- The Meaning of “All”: Examinations of Equity, Anti-Racism, Indigenization, Decolonization, and Social Justice
- Ethical Education: Issues of Agency, Labor, Privacy, and Consent
- Designing for Inclusion and Accessibility: How to Build and Create for All
- Exchanging Knowledge Across Borders: Open Education Around the World
- Teaching and Learning Through Open: Open Pedagogy and Practices
- Open Education in K-12: Approaches in Primary and Secondary Education
- Understanding Open: Sharing Case Studies and Contributing to the Body of Literature
- Building and Sustaining a Culture of Open: Strategies, Policies, Best Practices, and Advocacy
- The Joy of Open: Celebrating Community, Care, and Collaboration
- June 18, 2021: Submission Deadline
- July 31, 2021: Acceptance Notifications
- August 30, 2021: Program Published
- September 24, 2021: Pre-Record Deadline (Tentative)
- October 18-22, 2021: Conference
View the full call for proposals for additional information on the topics, submission requirements, review criteria, session formats, and how to submit a proposal through EasyChair. Follow along on social media with with #OpenEd21!