The Analytics, Business Intelligence, and Student Success Technologies Group is part of the Provost's Office and the Division of Information Technology. Our component parts include the Business Intelligence/Data Warehouse Team, the Analytics/Data Science Team, the PeopleSoft SA/Salesforce Team, and the myUMBC/Campus Information Portal Team.
We're very pleased to provide you with our "annual" report for 2021 through mid-year 2022, our goals, and our projects going forward. As the report is part of our assessment activities, we welcome your comments.
We continue to make progress on key themes:
- supporting enrollment, student success, and the student experience through the use of data and information,
- integrating information into thoughtfully designed systems,
- building a unified analytics infrastructure for the benefit of the campus,
- helping make the use of data-informed decisions easier and more routine.
We are grateful to our many collaborators and partners across the campus. Success is never final, but it is also surely a joint effort.