The scanner devices for electronically tracking attendance at events are ready for use.
I have created events on the "Events" tab of this group for all of the ticketed events I was aware of (based on Basecamp). I've also given Amal a brief tutorial on how our process for this will work:
- Amal will assign a scanner to an event by writing the inventory number for the scanner in the upper right hand corner of the Door Sales Reconciliation Form. The scanner will be loaded into the cash box, along with wristbands, deposit bags, and the form.
- We have nine scanners in our inventory (ECS01 - ECS09)
- FOH staff will use them at the door during the event. At the conclusion of the event, FOH staff will deposit the scanner device in the deposit bag, along with the cash, stubs, unsold tickets, and form.
- Joel will retrieve the deposits next business day and reconcile the sales. Either Joel or Amal will then upload the data from the scanner into the correct event on the "Events" tab of this myUMBC group.
- The "Barcode.csv" file on the scanner will then be erased, preparing it for the next use.
- Where will these devices be stored?
- Who will be responsible for tracking their deployment, return, and charging?
- All of the devices and the charging hub are currently in Joel's Office