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Happy Monday, Retrievers! I hope everyone is healthy, happy, and safe! We at the Academic Success Center are still going strong and here to help you be successful! All of our services are...
April 20, 2020
10:07 AM
Need a Math, English or Reading Placement Test?
Hi Retrievers! Need to take a Placement Test? We are having start of the semester placement testing online for current students. To sign up for online placement testing, fill out this form...
August 31, 2017
12:55 PM
and now it's easier than ever!
Hi Retrievers! Spring is here and the blossoms of Fall 2017 course registration are finally blooming! And for those of you planning on taking English and Math next semester (or over Summer...
March 29, 2017
11:12 AM
Registration is fast approaching!
Happy Spring, Retrievers! Spring semester is in full bloom and that delicate little flower known as Fall 2015 class registration is starting to open up right before our eyes! It's coming sooner...
March 31, 2015
2:25 PM
Find your place in the world!
Welcome back, Retrievers! Hopefully you're staying warm and dry on this blustery first day of classes. The wind may be howling (or not, but you get the idea), but classes are in full swing, so...
January 26, 2015
11:54 AM
A spooky tale about Placement Testing
"It was a crisp fall night, and all was quiet at UMBC. The sun had traveled the full span of the sky, and the far off stars twinkled dimly in the jet black sky. Johnny, a restless UMBC junior was...
October 30, 2014
11:45 AM