Spanish Lab? What is that? How does it work?
The Spanish Lab offers drop in Spanish help, provided by the Learning Resources Center. This is a space where you can work on your Spanish homework or group projects and ask tutors for help if you need it. It's like having a group study session with tutors available if you have questions. If you're taking a Spanish class up to SPAN 201 and you need extra practice or help, this is your chance!
When and where does this happen?
Spanish Lab runs every Friday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. until December 8. The lab happens on the first floor of the library, in the space that the Writing Center and Math Lab normally occupy.
What should I bring?
Bring questions! Bring projects! Bring anything that you are working on for your Spanish class! But most importantly, bring a good attitude and an open mind.
For more information, follow our myUMBC group.