Dear colleagues,
Please read the note below from Linda Hodges asking for your feedback on the development of our new Center for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching (CALT).
Thank you!
Orianne Smith
Faculty Senate President
Dear Colleagues,
As many of you may have seen, the Provost recently announced the establishment of the Center for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching (CALT) originally proposed in the 2015 Strategic Plan. He has charged a task force to make recommendations on moving forward with its development as resources allow. The new center will encompass and expand upon the work of the current Faculty Development Center but will also act as a communicative and collaborative bridge with other units on campus.
The task force invites your input about the development of CALT as described in the charge by responding to this short survey. We ask that you submit your responses to the survey no later than Wednesday, November 25th. We recognize that this is an incredibly busy time for everyone, but the task force will benefit greatly from your input. They are expected to finish their work by the end of the fall semester.
Thank you so much!
Linda Hodges
Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs