“In Cherishing the Small and Ordinary, his sixtieth collection, Robert Deluty once again charms the reader with his poetic snapshots of ordinary people in ordinary situations ‘caught,’ as Art Linkletter used to say, ‘in the act of being themselves:’ their quirks and peccadilloes across a vast array of contexts, ethnicities, and age groups, embellished with Deluty’s indefatigable wry insights, spectacular puns, ever-inventive wordplay, and cradled in the warmth of his affection for this peculiar species.”
Dr. Robert Deluty Publishes his 60th Book
"Cherishing the Small and Ordinary" available now!
Robert Deluty, associate dean emeritus of the Graduate School, has
published his 60th book, "Cherishing the Small and Ordinary" In his
review, Dr. George Northrup writes,
UMBC's physical campus reopens, "Cherishing the Small and Ordinary" (as
well as Dr. Deluty's other books) will be available at the bookstore.