Welcome to the Office of Graduate Student and Postdoc Professional Development (GSPD).
This myUMBC page is for all graduate students and postdocs from all backgrounds and in all fields. We will be posting opportunities and events that enhance your academic and professional development. Some of our programs will be designated as PROMISE* events - these events are developed specifically with underrepresented students' retention, completion and holistic success in mind, though they will welcome students of all backgrounds. Students and postdocs that utilize the services and resources of PROMISE come to consider PROMISE to be one of their major mechanisms of support. Some of our programs will be designated as CIRTL events - CIRTL is the Center for the Integration of Research Teaching and Learning and offers free training towards certificates that demonstrate effective instruction. We also run the Office of Postdoc Affairs and work on professional development for Postdocs as well as work with offices to ensure appropriate policy and resources for our postdoctoral research scholars.
Some of the programs that we host or co-sponsor include:
We look forward to having you join us!
*PROMISE was funded by the National Science Foundation's Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) from 2003-2018 and has now been institutionalized (UMBC provides all the funding for PROMISE).
For more information, visit the tri-campus PROMISE pages at:
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