IAAMCS Fellowship Writing Workshop Series
The first of many workshops!
Monday, April 17, 2023 · 12 - 1 PM
The Institute for African American Mentoring in Computing Science (IAAMCS) has help for students who are looking to fund graduate school. You can join at the first Fellowship Writing Workshop at 2:30 pm on 4/17/23. During this session, we will highlight CSGrad4US, an NSF funded fellowship opportunity that is due June 5th, and more! Sign up at https://forms.gle/gMYgybx2JnZpQs9e6 and visit IAAMCS.org for more information. Additionally, you can also use the QR code in the attached flyer to sign up for this workshop! While this is a series of workshops, you are welcome to sign up for multiple, or only attend singular workshops, it is not required to attend all in order to participate.
This hybrid series includes a combination of live webinars that take place on a bi-monthly basis, feedback from experts who review your writing samples after the workshop (see Our Workshop Process) and a couple of in-person sessions (TBA). All of these efforts work together to get your individual fellowship proposal camera ready.
This workshop will take place on April 17th, 2023.
Please see the attached flyer for more detailed information!
Photo by Robynne Hu on Unsplash