Addressing Graduate Students’ Feelings of Stress
An End-of-the-Semester “Coffee Break” — Fri. 12/5/14
It is common during this time of year to feel stressed about things that you want to accomplish before the end of the semester. If you’ve experienced anxiety, irritability, apathy, disinterest in activities that you were formerly involved in, or loss of energy, it’s time to talk. In an effort to address concerns of stress during these last few weeks of the fall semester, we would like to offer you an opportunity to take a coffee break.
Dr. Robert Deluty, Associate Dean of the Graduate School, and a practicing clinical psychologist, will lead this session. If you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed about classes, end-of-the-semester projects, exams, or the holiday season, please come! If you are feeling alone, isolated, or just want to have an opportunity to connect with others, please come! If you are a non-traditional graduate student or a first-generation graduate student, we encourage you to come! If you have been working to try to balance work and family, or if you are trying to balance other areas of your life and you need a listening ear, please come!
Friday, December 5, 2014
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
UMBC Campus
Light refreshments will be served.
All graduate students from all academic disciplines are invited to attend. Full-time and part-time students at all levels, (i.e., master’s and doctoral students) are invited to attend. This “coffee break” seminar is scheduled at 4:30 PM on a Friday to accommodate all of our students, including those who are part-time or working during the day.
This seminar is co-sponsored by PROMISE: Maryland's AGEP and The Graduate School at UMBC. We will also share information from UMBC's University Counseling Services.