The Summer 2022 Mentor newsletter is now available!
The Mentor is the MD State Retirement & Pension Agency's seasonal newsletter for Active members. The newsletter provides news, information, and legislative updates.
Have you signed up for your mySRPS account? Your mySRPS account allows Active members to access their current account balance, update their beneficiary information, run estimates of their future monthly benefit and much more!
Please note: The Maryland State Retirement and Pension System administers death, disability and retirement benefits for more than 412,000 members and retirees. The summer edition of The Mentor features:
- Information about your future retirement benefit
- Military Service Credit (members can claim their military service for credit after they have 10 years of State employment)
- Approved Leave of Absence
- A Talking Seal
On behalf of all the Marylanders that you serve every day, thank you!