Professionalism in the Workplace at Shady Grove
Presented by Dr. Elliot Lasson, Adjunct UMBC Professor
Thursday, March 26, 2015 · 4:45 - 5:45 PM
Off Campus
Professionalism in the Workplace
Presented by Dr. Elliot Lasson, Adjunct Professor, UMBC I/O Psychology Program
Presented by Dr. Elliot Lasson, Adjunct Professor, UMBC I/O Psychology Program
Thursday, March 26, 4:45 pm – 5:45 pm, The Universities at Shady Grove, Bldg. III—Room 3242
Did you know that improving
your conduct will gain you the respect and credibility you need in any
business or social setting? Come learn how true professionalism can help
you enhance your personal growth and development,
achieve higher emotional intelligence, and acquire better communication
skills. A special emphasis will be placed on the appropriate use of
communication and other technologies on the job.