234 UMBC accounts suffered from this breach; DOIT is currently notifying these individuals via their UMBC emails and/or alternate emails. However, if you have a Wattpad account don't wait; contact the site to see if your information has been exposed.
If you don’t have a alternate email address listed on your UMBC account, follow these instructions below:
Login to your myUMBC account: http://my.umbc.edu/account
Click Account security setup
At the top of the page, enter your alternate email address
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Update my security settings
DOIT has been notified of this breach via Have I Been Pwned(HIBP).
More about Wattpad data breach visit:
If you have any questions or concerns email us: security@umbc.edu_________________________________________________________________________
Receive any suspicious emails?
Forward it to security@umbc.edu along with the email headers. Instructions for doing so can be found at the UMBC support wiki: https://wiki.umbc.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1867970.
Follow us on myUMBC:https://my3.my.umbc.edu/groups/itsecurity