Post Candidacy - What is next? Create a plan towards graduation
Wednesday, March 26, 2025 · 12 - 1 PM
Congratulations on reaching candidacy! Now, what’s next? Join us for "Post-Candidacy: What’s Next? Create a Plan Toward Graduation," a session designed to help you navigate the final stages of your PhD journey. We’ll discuss setting realistic research and writing goals, managing your advisor relationship and expectations, the requisites from Graduate School to schedule your defense and apply for graduation, submitting your dissertation to your committee, tips on preparing for your defense, how to tackle your revisions, and planning for your post-graduation career. This session will provide actionable steps to keep you on track, avoid common pitfalls, and maximize your remaining time as a PhD student. Whether you're just entering this phase or nearing the finish line, this discussion aims to help you map a clear and strategic path to graduation.
About our speakers:
Dr. Robin Cresiski is the Associate Vice Provost for Graduate Student Development and Postdoctoral Affairs at UMBC and directs an NSF INCLUDES funded program RISE UPP to develop a collaborative multi state alliance (Maryland, Texas, North Carolina) to create paths to convert postdocs to tenure track faculty, PROMISE Engineering Institute.
Yarazeth Medina is the Assistant Director for Graduate Student Development and Postdoctoral Affairs Office at UMBC, RISE UPP, PROMISE Engineering Institute