Thursday, May 21, 2020
10 AM
to 11 AM
Prepare your course for Blackboard's redesigned interface!
Online : Collaborate
New to Ultra or need a refresher? This hands-on overview focuses on the essentials of using the Ultra Experience Blackboard course interface for communication and content creation. Topics include:...
11 AM
to 12 PM
Prepare your course for Blackboard's redesigned interface!
Online : Collaborate
New to Ultra or need a refresher? This hands-on overview focuses on the essentials of using the Ultra Experience Blackboard course interface for tests, assignments, and grading. Topics include:...
2 PM
to 3 PM
Everything you need to know about screencasting
Online : Collaborate
Sometimes it’s just easier to show than tell. Using Panopto, faculty can capture and narrate anything they see on their computers, and then publish an online screencast movie tutorial or...