When naming key personnel on a proposal there are several things that PI’s need to keep in mind. Administratively, routing of anyone listed as key personnel (even other key) in KUALI will require that person to approve and that person’s home unit must approve the proposal and the individual named will have to certify the proposal. For ongoing administration of the award any time a named key individual drops from a project most sponsors require they must be informed and an impact statement has to be send to the sponsor explaining what the impact of the in individual being dropped from the project is.
The NIH grant Policy Statement (GPS) defines senior/key personnel as: The PD/PI and other individuals who contribute to the scientific development or execution of a project in a substantive, measurable way, whether or not they receive salaries or compensation under the grant. They should be individual with unique knowledge, experience and/or skills who would be difficult to replace on the project. OSP always encourages keeping the list of key personnel to the minimum that is appropriate and practical for the project.