PhD Defense: Brian Kirby
Friday, April 10, 2015 · 9 - 11 AM
TITLE: Nonlocal Interferometry with Macroscopic Coherent States and its Application to Quantum Communications
ABSTRACT: Macroscopic quantum effects are of fundamental interest because they help us to understand the quantum-classical boundary, and may also have important practical applications in long-range quantum communications. Specifically we analyze a macroscopic generalization of the Franson interferometer, where violations of Bell’s inequality can be observed using phase entangled coherent states created using weak nonlinearities. Furthermore we want to understand how these states, and other macroscopic quantum states, can be applied to secure quantum communications. We find that Bell’s inequality can be violated at ranges of roughly 400 km in optical fiber when various unambiguous state discrimination techniques are applied. In addition Monte Carlo simulations suggest that quantum communications schemes based on macroscopic quantum states and random unitary transformations can be potentially secure at long distances. Lastly, we calculate the feasibility of creating the weak nonlinearity needed for the experimental realization of these proposals using metastable xenon in a high finesse cavity. This research suggests that quantum states created using macroscopic coherent states and weak nonlinearities may be a realistic path towards the realization of secure long-range quantum communications.