Colloquium: Dr. Wesley Legant, HHMI Janelia Research
Monday, September 28, 2015 · 12 - 1:30 PM
TITLE: "Lattice Light Sheet Microscopy: Imaging Molecules, Cells, and Embryos at High Spatiotemporal Resolution"
ABSTRACT: We have developed a new approach for sub-cellular light-sheet microscopy capable of imaging fast 3D dynamic processes in vivo at signal to noise levels typically obtained only in total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) illumination. By utilizing a 2D optical lattice to generate a thin plane of light coincident with the focus of a high NA detection objective, we demonstrate substantial advantages in speed, sensitivity and reduced phototoxicity compared to point scanning and spinning disc microscopes. We use these advantages to perform rapid and prolonged 3D imaging of single molecules, cells and embryos at the diffraction limit and beyond.
ABSTRACT: We have developed a new approach for sub-cellular light-sheet microscopy capable of imaging fast 3D dynamic processes in vivo at signal to noise levels typically obtained only in total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) illumination. By utilizing a 2D optical lattice to generate a thin plane of light coincident with the focus of a high NA detection objective, we demonstrate substantial advantages in speed, sensitivity and reduced phototoxicity compared to point scanning and spinning disc microscopes. We use these advantages to perform rapid and prolonged 3D imaging of single molecules, cells and embryos at the diffraction limit and beyond.