Colloquium: Sebastian Deffner
Wednesday, February 10, 2016 · 3:30 - 4:30 PM
TITLE: Quantum thermodynamics: Thermodynamics and information processing at the nanoscale
ABSTRACT: The central goal of quantum thermodynamics is to understand and improve thermodynamic devices at the nanoscale. Such devices, however, generically operate far from equilibrium and are inevitably subject to thermal and quantum fluctuations. In this talk I will give a brief overview over recent developments in the thermodynamics at the nanoscale, such as quantum fluctuation theorems, quantum speed limits, and shortcuts to adiabaticity. As a main topic, however, I will discuss how to generalize the notion of thermodynamic work and nonequilibrium entropy production to the nanoscale and highlight the interplay of quantum information theory and thermodynamics.
ABSTRACT: The central goal of quantum thermodynamics is to understand and improve thermodynamic devices at the nanoscale. Such devices, however, generically operate far from equilibrium and are inevitably subject to thermal and quantum fluctuations. In this talk I will give a brief overview over recent developments in the thermodynamics at the nanoscale, such as quantum fluctuation theorems, quantum speed limits, and shortcuts to adiabaticity. As a main topic, however, I will discuss how to generalize the notion of thermodynamic work and nonequilibrium entropy production to the nanoscale and highlight the interplay of quantum information theory and thermodynamics.