Colloquium: Gregory Harry
Wednesday, April 20, 2016 · 3:30 - 4:30 PM
TITLE: LIGO, GW1509014, and the Future of Gravitational Wave Astronomy
ABSTRACT: The recent detection of gravitational wave GW150914 from a binary black hole system has begun the era of gravitational astronomy. I will discuss this historic detection and what it has taught us about gravity, black holes, and our universe. I will also discuss the astronomy that is expected to be possible in the near future using this new window on the universe. Furthermore, I will describe the detectors that were used to make this discovery along with what opportunities exist for developing future gravitational wave detectors to further explore the gravitational universe.
ABSTRACT: The recent detection of gravitational wave GW150914 from a binary black hole system has begun the era of gravitational astronomy. I will discuss this historic detection and what it has taught us about gravity, black holes, and our universe. I will also discuss the astronomy that is expected to be possible in the near future using this new window on the universe. Furthermore, I will describe the detectors that were used to make this discovery along with what opportunities exist for developing future gravitational wave detectors to further explore the gravitational universe.