Colloquium: Dr. Simone Marras, New Jersey Inst. of Tech.
Off Campus: via WEBEX
Advances and challenges in (high-order) element-based Galerkin methods for numerical weather prediction
The low dissipation and dispersion error of element-based Galerkin (EBG) methods, as well as their natural scalability on massively parallel computers make them the perfect tool for the high-fidelity solution of the Navier-Stokes equations governing atmospheric flows. While optimal with respect to many metrics, at high order EBG methods are susceptible to Gibbs oscillations in the solution of non-linear equations which, in fact, contribute to the great majority of problems of practical interest. In this talk, I will give an overview of the advantages of high-order EBG with respect to their low-order counterpart, but I will also describe the problem of instabilities and where work is still required to fully resolve this issue. Furthermore, I will also give an insight of where we are in terms of scalability of new atmospheric models that are currently being developed to be efficient in the upcoming era of exascale computing.