Here Be Dragons: Investigating Black Holes in Galaxy Nuclei
Astronomers have discovered that every galaxy has a huge black hole at its core, millions to billions of times the mass of our Sun. In most galaxies, these black holes are only revealed by their gravitational influence. However, in a few percent of galaxies gas and dust are actively falling on to the central black hole, resulting in large amounts of radiation being produced from close to the event horizon. Turner will discuss what we can learn by studying these exotic systems.
The GRIT-X-2017 talk may be found on YouTube
Astronomers have discovered that every galaxy has a huge black hole at its core, millions to billions of times the mass of our Sun. In most galaxies, these black holes are only revealed by their gravitational influence. However, in a few percent of galaxies gas and dust are actively falling on to the central black hole, resulting in large amounts of radiation being produced from close to the event horizon. Turner will discuss what we can learn by studying these exotic systems.
The GRIT-X-2017 talk may be found on YouTube