Atmospheric Physics PhD:
Lipi Mukherjee*
Mentor: Dr. Pengwang Zhai
"Radiative Properties of Oceanic Particles"
Chamara Rajapakshe*
Mentor: Dr. Zhibo Zhang
"Interactions of Radiation with Aerosols and Clouds in a Three-Dimensional Atmosphere: Implications for Aerosol and Cloud Remote Sensing"
Physics PhD:
Mary Keenan
Mentor: Dr. Eileen Meyer
"Investigating the Role of Jet Power in Radio-Loud AGN"
Hari Lamsal
Mentor: Dr. Todd Pittman
"Ultralow-power nonlinear optics using optical nanofibers in metastable xenon"
Ian Nodurft
Mentors: Dr. James Franson and Dr. Todd Pittman
"Light-Matter Interactions and Heralding in Quantum Information"
Atmospheric Physics MS:
Achala Denagamage
Kylie Hoffman*
Physics MS:
Arman Setser*
Sidney Wolin
* August Graduate
Lipi Mukherjee*
Mentor: Dr. Pengwang Zhai
"Radiative Properties of Oceanic Particles"
Chamara Rajapakshe*
Mentor: Dr. Zhibo Zhang
"Interactions of Radiation with Aerosols and Clouds in a Three-Dimensional Atmosphere: Implications for Aerosol and Cloud Remote Sensing"
Physics PhD:
Mary Keenan
Mentor: Dr. Eileen Meyer
"Investigating the Role of Jet Power in Radio-Loud AGN"
Hari Lamsal
Mentor: Dr. Todd Pittman
"Ultralow-power nonlinear optics using optical nanofibers in metastable xenon"
Ian Nodurft
Mentors: Dr. James Franson and Dr. Todd Pittman
"Light-Matter Interactions and Heralding in Quantum Information"
Atmospheric Physics MS:
Achala Denagamage
Kylie Hoffman*
Physics MS:
Arman Setser*
Sidney Wolin
* August Graduate