How to Write an NIH Grant Application: Introduction-Overview
Thursday, November 2, from 9:00 – 12:30 pm
621 W. Lombard Street, SMC Campus Center, Room 349
This half-day workshop is designed as an introduction to grant writing for investigators with little or no experience writing an NIH or other peer-reviewed grant application. The workshop material is based on the NIH grant application, as it is the basis for the majority of peer-reviewed grant applications; however, most of the information covered is relevant to the majority of other grant funding agencies. This workshop will cover the following subjects: how to determine the most appropriate funding mechanism; developing a fundable research question; how to write the research plan for an NIH grant application, including the new requirements are: Rigor & Reproducibility; and the NIH System of Peer Review. NOTE: A light breakfast will be provided.
Speaker: Wendy Sanders, MA, Associate Dean for Research Career Development, Office for Research Career Development, UMSOM
Registration required online at