Hello Psi Chi!
Happy Spring (even though we have a couple days with colder temperatures)!
Just a couple of quick reminders:
1. Our first Psi Chi event is happening Saturday, April 3 at 5 pm. We will be hosting a kahoot game full of psychology knowledge that you may remember from some psych classes at UMBC. So come and test your memory for the chance to win a $50 gift card!
2. Our Psi Chi GBM #5 is this upcoming Monday, April 5 at 12 pm! Our second guest speaker will be speaking during this time. Our speaker for Monday is another UMBC alum who is a cognitive behavioral therapist. Her name is Sharmin, and she focuses on therapy for immigrants. Meeting link and reminder will be sent out in a separate email closer to Monday.Here's the meeting info!Psi Chi TriviaHosted by Caroline Jianghttps://umbc.webex.com/umbc/j.php?MTID=m0d0200fc08066e6cfea1813d6752b649Saturday, Apr 3, 2021 5:00 pm | 3 hours | (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)Meeting number: 138 626 2717Password: dK2QwEFf4B8Join by phone+1-202-860-2110 United States Toll (Washington D.C.)Access code: 138 626 2717
Hope to see you at tomorrow's event and on Monday! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about the event or the GBM!
Caroline Jiang
Psi Chi