Hey Psi Chi!
I’m here to extend to you an invitation to an exciting, psychology-related event from the Students of Applied Behavior Analysis Society (SABAS), coming up this week! Here is a snippet of information from our very own Courtney Arrington - treasurer of Psi Chi UMBC and Vice President of SABAS:
SABAS was founded in 2020 by two research assistants (Ann Jeanette Santos and Meghan Ceribo) and Dr. Mirela Cengher, who is an assistant professor in the Psychology Department. SABAS is a community of UMBC students who have developed an interest and passion for Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Through this society, we hope to develop professional connections and skills within our field, build peer relationships, and engage in conversations about ABA.
SABAS is holding an event this Friday (October 1st) from 3pm-5pm, via WebEx, with a guest speaker, Dr. Arrington.
Dr. Arrington will be giving two talks: one on the trauma-informed mental health worker and the human trafficking survivor, and the other on systematic approaches to case conceptualization and clinical work. As these topics relate to clinical psychological work, they relate to Psi Chi’s mission and will likely be of interest to a number of Psi Chi students.
Here is the WebEx link to the event: https://umbc.webex.com/umbc/j.php?MTID=m8f100bcb1179437819e230984bc30d3e
For more information on our event, please feel free to follow our Instagram page (@umbcsabas), or our student interest group on myUMBC (https://my3.my.umbc.edu/groups/sabas). You are also welcome to email me (carring3@umbc.edu) or our secretary (xu10210@umbc.edu) for more information or with any questions you may have relating to this event.
I think the topics that Dr. Arrington will be discussing at this event are incredibly important, as well as incredibly interesting; if you agree, please consider joining SABAS for this event! For those interested, I have attached a flyer to this email with a bit more information about the event and about Dr. Arrington.
Thank you for your consideration, and I hope to see some of you there on Friday!