Important Dates
November 13, 2023 | 2024-25 Paraprofessional Applications Available
November 22, 2023 at 9 p.m. | Eight-month communities close for Thanksgiving Break
November 26, 2023 at Noon | Eight-month communities reopen
November 30, 2023 at 5 p.m. | End of Semester Room Change Application Deadline
November 30, 2023 | Recommended deadline to request Housing Release for Spring Semester
Fall Break Closing and Health & Safety Inspections
Students in 8-month communities are expected to vacate and complete the below checklist to help ensure the overall health & safety of your room and personal belongings:
Clean your bathroom and personal spaces well.
Remove and dispose of all trash in a trash room or a dumpster.
Turn the heat to 68-72 degrees.
Unplug all appliances and extension cords from the wall, with the exception of refrigerators and fish tanks.
Feed your fish and water your plants.
Pack medications and other necessities you might need during break.
Turn off water.
Turn off lights and bathroom exhaust fans.
Close and lock all windows and doors.
Close blinds on ground-level floor rooms; leave blinds up on all other floors.
Report facilities concerns to FXIT (410-455-3948).
RAs will conduct an inspection in each 8-month community. Failure to properly prepare your space and vacate by the deadline may result in student conduct action. For more information about break closing please contact your RA or Community Director.
For more information about Break Closings visit
Room Freeze & End of Fall Semester Room Changes
Fall room assignments are frozen beginning November 30, 2023 to allow Residential Life staff to prepare for any upcoming transitions. Room changes will not be permitted during the remainder of the semester.
If you are looking to change rooms for the Spring Semester, please complete the Room Change Request Form on the Housing Portal. There is a firm deadline of November 30, 2023 at 5 p.m. to submit the ESRC request form. Late applications will not be considered.
Submission of an ESRC application does not guarantee approval. Priority for ESRC approval is as follows: students with an accommodation approval from Student Disability Services, and students approved for an administrative move by Residential Life.
If approved:
Residents moving to a 8-month community are expected to vacate completely by 9 p.m. on December 20, 2023 and will move into their new room on Sunday, January 28, 2024 at 9 a.m.
Residents moving to a 9-month community are expected to relocate on December 21, 2023 between 10 a.m.-1 p.m.; no exceptions will be made.
Spring Semester Housing Petitions
Current residents acknowledged a housing license (contract) that is for the entire academic year. If you do not plan to return to housing in the Spring Semester please review your options and complete the outlined instructions.
Not Returning to UMBC (Transfer, Withdraw and/or Leave): Students who do not plan to return to UMBC are not automatically released from the housing license. You must complete the Petition Request form on the Housing Portal before November 30, 2023.
Extenuating Circumstance Preventing Return to Housing (Medical, Financial, etc.): Students who plan to attend UMBC in the Spring but are unable to return to on-campus housing must complete the Petition Request form on the Housing Portal before November 30, 2023. License releases are extraordinary, not automatic, and will be reviewed, with appropriate supporting documentation.
December Graduates & Spring Study Abroad Students: Residents who have applied and are approved for December graduation or Spring Study Abroad are automatically released from the terms of the license. You are not expected to complete a petition form. However, Walker Avenue residents should contact the WAA Management Office via email before November 30, 2023.
Additional information about the petition process can be found in the "Cancellation" section on