We're back, with more cardboard!
Hello Everyone! A new academic year is upon us, and as things start to kick off, we wanted to let you know about some exciting news! SAD Club is back in action, and we have some really cool...
September 6, 2023
8:45 PM
So long, and thanks for all the SSH
Hi all, It's me again, with one last post to annoy your email inboxes. I realized we never actually published the results of the election on myUMBC: President: Rob Emmet Vice President:...
September 3, 2022
11:47 PM
metasploit eternalblue phishing
Hello everyone! Tonight's meeting may be a bit shorter than usual since CCDC qualifiers are right around the corner! Taking inspiration from the competition, tonight's meeting will be about...
February 26, 2021
2:21 PM
Hey all! Apologies for the late post, but for anyone who is interested in working on the Minecraft mod, please download these 2 files for today's meeting: Oracle VirtualBox:...
October 2, 2020
4:32 PM
Welcome to SAD Club, Fall 2020!
Hello everyone, and welcome to SAD Club! (Yes, SAD, not "SASD"; the "software" part of the name is lowercase; trust me, it works.) TL;DR: Fill out the when2meet. Scroll down, it's in the middle...
September 12, 2020
5:08 PM