SGA Early Voting Online
Friday, April 7, 2023 at 12:01 AM - Sunday, April 9, 2023 at 11:59 PM
Early Online Voting for the SGA Elections begins on Friday April 7 at 12:01 am and ends of Sunday April 9 at 11:59pm.
SGA Election Rules prohibit candidates and campaigns from approaching students with tablets, laptops, cell phones, etc. to solicit votes, or from interfering with students who are voting on electronic devices. Candidates and their supporters are also prohibited from badgering, harassing, or stalking voters and barred from standing within 25 feet of voters who are in the act of voting.
Candidates and their supporters may share information with voters and encourage them to vote. They cannot facilitate your vote by providing you a device to vote on. Candidates and their supporters may not watch you vote.
You can learn more about the candidates by visiting
If a candidate or campaigner approaches you with an electronic device and asks you to vote on it, please do not vote, ask the person to leave, and report the incident using the Election Complaint RT Ticket System using the link below.
Any student may file a complaint with the Election Board about an alleged violation of these rules. Complaints must be filed by 48 hours after an alleged violation is discovered OR by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, April 13-- whichever is earliest.
If you are voting on other electronic device and a candidate or campaigner is standing within 25 feet of you to attempt to provide you with information, solicit your vote, or view your selections, please ask the person to leave and report the incident using the Election Complaint RT Ticket System linked above.
You may vote online during the early voting period at
Only UMBC Undergraduate Students that have been charged the Student Activities Fee are eligible to vote.
If you're a currently enrolled undergraduate student who has also been admitted to a graduate program at UMBC and having difficulty voting, email with the subject line "Graduate Admit" by
5 p.m. on Tuesday April 11, 2023 so we can try to address the issue.
If this isn't your situation, but you're still having trouble, email with the subject line "Trouble Voting" by 5 p.m. on Tuesday April 11, 2023 , so we can try to address the issue.