This November will have two virtual learning opportunities-
Monsido Monthly Accessibility Webinar
As a university that serves people of all kinds of backgrounds, we highly recommend attending this webinar to broaden your perspective on how to create better websites that also consider differently-abled people.
Hosted by the Monsido team, this 90min course provides an overview of accessibility and how it applies to websites. It introduces the different types of disabilities, assistive technology, various accessibility laws and regulations, and informs you how to make your website accessible to all.
This webinar will take place on: Nov 18, 2022 at 12pm EST
Sites Office Hours
If you have a question about Sites, want an opinion about your Sites website, or need any help creating a page element, consider stopping by our virtual Sites Office Hours.
Here you can meet with some of the team responsible for building and maintaining the platform, and receive expert advice.
This month's office hours will be held on Nov 29 between 11:30am and 12:30pm, so drop by anytime within those hours to get your questions answered.
Join our virtual WebEx meeting:
ID: 26283019858
Password: FMyFQFX4S23